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Pre-sales Care

Pre Sales Care
Novaserv Brokerage Service is offering exceptional services from the first contact. If you plan to invest or check Egypt as a second home or would like to retire in Egypt, we will guide you and advise you on all existing options. We and our partners will advise you on all watch out and processes to do so. We offer a specific on- boarding consulting about cultural differences and realities to make informed decisions. It is of utmost important to us that you have all available information and insider views before you take any steps towards your endeavors in Egypt.
Pre Sales Care

What We Will Do

Novaserv will consult, advise and transparently make you aware of realities in Egypt, cultural and legal differences. We and our partners will share our in-depth view and guide you step by step throughout our mutual journey.

In our initial consultation we will define together with prospective clients a detailed way forward and the correct onboarding program to achieve their goals and fulfill the clients needs. Always in view to keep our international clients as save as possible.

Our Promise

Our Team will take care of you and take any concerns and requirements very serious. We will inform you about local realities and foster that you have a view and information based on factual realities.

Pre Sales Care

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